- A mix of Gundam, figures, anime, otaku and Japanese culture brought to you by Danny Choo (me) who resides in Tokyo Japan.
- The contents of this site seems to be popular based on just under 20.1 million page views generated by 2.9 million visitors for the month of May 2008 alone.
- This site is also occasionally featured in the Japanese press such as on TV and in magazines/newspapers.
- I also write tips on living in Japan (buying a house, working etc) and blogging tips (how to earn money through affiliating, discoverability, SEO etc).
- I want to share my experience and knowledge so ccasionally write posts motivational articles.
- Three articles to give you an idea of the person who runs this site and what this site is all about > Why I'm in Japan, History of dannychoo.com, All about my startup in Japan - and more in the Danny Choo History category.
Tokyo Dance Trooper in Shibuya:
Tokyo Dance Trooper:
And simply because I can...
Be sure to check out his website www.dannychoo.com
TRIVIA: The Title of the song "Ai no Corrida" come from the title of the 1976 Japanese film Ai No Korida/In the Realm of Senses. The original song is by Jankel & Young in 1980, covered (and popularised) a year later Quincy Jones and was covered again by a British dance group Uniting Nations in 2005
1 comment:
I have tried numerous times, but I have absolutely no idea why the paragraph spacing is so screwy!
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