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Saturday 19 July 2008

"I see sounds..."

In all the conversations I've had with people I've met for the first time, one of the most frequent questions I get asked is "So, what music you into?/Who's you favourite band?". I hate those questions. Don't get wrong - it has nothing to do with the person asking it but more to do with the question itself. I can never answer a question like that. And I imagine that most people can never answer it truthfully either...

See, I'm a very fickle person. If you asked what song I love at the moment today, the answer would be very different if you asked me that same question tomorrow. Music is affected by our moods, environment, our friends etc. And music is so broad and diverse. I can never pinpoint it to just one simple thing...

And that's why I love

If you never heard of then let me break it down for you: it a music social networking website. But don't mistake it for anything like Facebook or MySpace. It matters not about how many friends you have, or how many songs you listen to but what you listen to.

The website "scrobbles" the songs you play in winamp/windows media player/itunes/ player (although it recommends you use their own player as the old skool plugins fo the other apps are no longer supported by them). Then the smart bunnies at create you own little music chart (it like the top40 based on what you listen to instead of the nation).

But that's only the beginning! From here, you can get recommendations for other artist you might like and provides you updates about events that might interest you. All in all, it pretty damn cool.

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