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Monday 5 September 2011

Oh broadband! How I have missed thee!

So despite my best attempts to keep this a regular thing, I seemed to have failed to grasp the basic fact that a blog needs post and there has been quite a drought in the past seven months! Oh dear...

However my circumstances have changed somewhat in the past few weeks. The significant change being that I have moved into a place where I actually have internet. OK so some wouldn't say that the internet is that important that residing in an area where you are privy to it makes a significant change, but it does change things...a lot. I coped mostly because I had internet at work which allowed me to check e-mail and most social networking sites. I wasn't, however, allowed to watch video links much which means a few internet memes have gone over my head in the past two year. And I haven't made any internet purchases or checked my bank accounts because I was sure how secure the network at work is.

I digress though. The point that I'm (vaguely) trying to make is that I really hope to become more regular with my posts. I'll be posting from various topics (because I'm schizophrenic like that) such as book/film/music/tv reviews, political/social/economic issues, sport (MMA or football/soccer) and just random shit that I feel is worth typing about.

If you've bothered to read any of this and are interested I hope that you'll follow my blog. If you've read this an felt nothing but apathy or ssimmering sense of rage I hope that you have the sense to never come back!


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